More Software & Apps Posts
How Microsoft Buying Activision Blizzard Might Affect You
by Christina Williams
Microsoft has announced plans to purchase Activision Blizzard for a whopping $68.7 billion. Here’s what to expect from the groundbreaking deal.
The Best VPN Service
by David Huerta and Yael Grauer
We’ve researched and tested top VPNs to recommend the best not just for speed but for transparency and trustworthiness, too.
How to Organize Your Digital Files
by Melanie Pinola
With the right setup of folders and file names, you’ll always be able to find what you need on your computer.
These Four Video Games Are Fun for the Whole Family
by Haley Perry
If you’re looking for a video game for your next family game night, these are the games we recommend for all ages and skill levels.
The Best Meditation Apps
by Caira Blackwell
After researching 21 apps and testing 18, we think Headspace is the best meditation app.
The Best Password Managers
by Andrew Cunningham and Thorin Klosowski
Everyone should use a password manager, and after researching dozens and testing four, we recommend 1Password because it’s secure and easy to use.
The Best Online Cloud Backup Service
by Thorin Klosowski
We investigated dozens of popular online backup tools to find the best option for most people.
How to Stop Scam Texts
by Christina Williams
If you’re tired of getting annoying scam texts, we’re here to help, with advice from privacy experts and tips from the FCC.
Back Up and Secure Your Digital Life
by Haley Perry
From password managers to backup software, here are the apps and services everyone needs to protect themselves from security breaches and data loss.
How to Manage PlayStation, Switch, and Xbox Privacy Settings
by Thorin Klosowski
Your game console collects plenty of information, but with a few settings changes, you can limit how much data you share with strangers or companies.
The Best Budgeting Apps
by Melanie Pinola and Taylor Tepper
We found that Simplifi by Quicken is the best budgeting app for most people. It’s the easiest way to keep tabs on your spending and plan for the future.
10 Practical Privacy Tips for Your Android Phone
by Thorin Klosowski
With a few easy changes to the privacy and security settings, you can control how much information Android and Google—and the apps you use—collect about you.
Our Favorite Ad Blockers and Browser Extensions to Protect Privacy
by Thorin Klosowski
These free, easy-to-install browser extensions are simple add-ons that can help block ads, reduce tracking, and improve your privacy online.
The Best Video-Conferencing Service
by Ben Keough
If you use video-conferencing software for business, you should be using Zoom. Want to hang out with family or friends? Look to Google Meet and Whereby.
16 Practical Privacy Tips for Your iPhone
by Thorin Klosowski
With a few easy changes to the privacy and security settings, you can control how much information your iPhone—and your apps—collects and uses.